Being a facilities manager can be rewarding, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. You have to manage time, costs, efficiencies, safety, and a lot more. 

Careforce knows it’s challenging to be a maintenance manager. We’re sharing our top tips to make you more efficient as a property manager.

Identify unplanned breakdowns. 

An effective facilities manager constantly tracks the number of equipment failures compared to the number of times each piece of equipment fails. 

There’s a myth that failures happen when equipment isn’t maintained. In reality, equipment fails when the wrong kind of maintenance is done. 

Maintaining each piece of equipment is important, especially as it ages and wears out. 

Stay focused on your priority work.

Each week, set a goal for how many maintenance tasks you’re going to do. Identify any deviations that may derail your plan and how to avoid them. 

Our schedules can be disrupted by unplanned work, but that doesn’t mean we have to do it all. It’s your job as the manager to make sure unplanned tasks don’t get in the way of planned ones. 

Maintaining the equipment according to its agreed schedule will help avoid compliance issues and ensure the equipment is maintained according to its agreed schedule. It’s the easiest way to avoid unplanned failures and reactive maintenance. 

Be a supportive and communicative

Be supportive of everyone on your team and make sure they feel important and appreciated. There’s no such thing as a master of all trades. 

Effective communication involves listening and talking. It’s your job as the leader to make sure communication is honest and transparent.