Planned maintenance is an important investment in the upkeep and maintenance of your aged care home. It’s akin to a regular health check-up with your doctor. Just like a doctor helps identify health issues before they become problematic, our preventative maintenance team can detect and fix issues before they turn costly and disrupt your operations.
Here are the top 3 reasons to invest in preventative maintenance of your aged care property.
Avoid Huge Repair Bills
The biggest benefit of planned and preventative maintenance is that it helps avoid huge repair bills by identifying problems before they turn expensive. For instance, if the guttering system is blocked and left unchecked, it can result in water seepage, which can cause structural damage to your building.
Our planned maintenance technicians will thoroughly inspect the building for possible problems and make the necessary repairs thereby minimising the risk of unforeseen repairs in the future.
Ensure the Safety of Your Residents
Planned maintenance helps keep your property safe while keeping your residents away from harm’s way. Legionella is a common danger that you might be unaware of.
Legionella is extremely dangerous to the health of your residents and the warm water facility supports the development of Legionella. Preventative maintenance with Careforce can minimise the risk of Legionella and other hazards on your property.
Meet Accreditation Standards
Planned maintenance strategy can help prove to the Aged Care Quality Agency that you are complying with all the regulatory requirements and relevant legislation regarding building management.
During an accreditation audit, a well-designed preventative maintenance plan can help demonstrate that you are committed to the safety and hygiene of your residents.
For more information about our planned aged care maintenance services, get in touch with our friendly team today.